Undo, K., Hannes, K. (2025). The Voice that Escapes the Text: from Plato/Socrates to (A)I Who Wrote You. Presented at the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, edition 8, Edinburgh, UK (7 -10 Jan 2025)
Hannes, K., Jacobs, A., Undo, K. (2025). Using a futures wheel approach to collectively evaluate the consequences of solar PUNK responses to emerging societal challenges. Presented at the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, edition 8, Edinburgh, UK (7 -10 Jan 2025)
Undo, K. (2024). When GPT digested the medium Hélène Smith. HUB - Journal of Research in Art, Design and Society, HUB Issue #3 / Autumn 2024 / Metabolic Media. https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/2678388/2678343
You Know Who. Creatures Cluster, site-specific installation. Curated by Selen Ansen & Brigitte Pitarakis. Abdülmecid Efendi Mansion, under the auspices of Koç Holding, Istanbul, Turkey (20 September - 11 December 2022)
MEDIA()MESSe. An international group of 10 researchers on new media working together on a new creation at the crossroads of intermedia arts. Katerina Undo, Julien Ottavi, Gisle Froysland, Maite Cajaraville, Marinos Koutsomichalis, Jenny Pickett, Tanja Brandmayr, Jan-Nahuel Jenny, Felix Vierlinger, Taro Klemens Knopp. STWST / MADLAB / PIKSEL / APO33. Fabrique, Nantes, France (May 2022)
LUFF 2021 (OFF part). In the Place of the Insect, as an Echo of Itself, site-specific installation. Esplanade of the Casino de Montbenon, Lausanne, Switzerland (20 - 24 October 2021)
Undo, K., Koutsomichalis, M. (2021). StalkS: In meta-understanding the participants, human or not, in conversations about, and contained in, transformative thresholds. Hybrid presentation at the X-disciplinary Congress on Artistic Research and Related Matters, Vilnius, Lithuania (14-17 Oct 2021)
Hyper Organisms. An exhibition exploring the complex evolution of the relationships between species – natural or artificial – and the way they influence and nourish each other. Curated by Charles Carcopino. Creatures Cluster, site-specific installation. iMAL, Brussels (24 June- 20 September 2021)
Máquina loca. Peculiarities and paradoxes of a time crossed by its relations with machines. Curated by Charles Carcopino. Creatures Cluster, site-specific installation. CANAL CONNECT, Teatros del Canal, Madrid, Spain (5 -14 March 2021)
NOVAXX 2019, Haro sur les héros. International biennale dedicated to innovation by women in technology, science and art. Creatures Cluster, site-specific installation. Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles |Paris, in collaboration with Lafayette Anticipations. (29 November 2019 - 5 January 2020)
Tendencies, BOZAR /Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium. Curated by Joost Fonteyne. Creatures Cluster, site-specific installation (19-30 September 2018)
Les Safra'Numériques 2018, Amiens, France. Creatures Cluster, site-specific installation (20 – 24 March 2018)
Machines sensibles, Accès)s( Festival #17, Le Bel Ordinaire - Espace d’art contemporain, Pau, France. Curated by Christian Delecluse. Creatures Cluster, site-specific installation (11 October – 9 December 2017)
Où sont les sons? CENTRALE For Contemporary Art, Brussels, Belgium. Curated by Nicole Gingras. W/HOLE Expansion, Active installation (20 April 2017 – 10 September 2017)
PLAY IN, Castiglia, Piazza Castello, Saluzzo, Italy. The syndrome of Griselda, or the procession of the Ship. In situ work commissioned by Art.ur Platform and co-produced by Overtoon, with the support of Flanders State of the Art. Curated by Michela Sacchetto (6 May 2017 - 25 June 2017)
International Contemporary Art Triennial, Coup de Ville 2016. WARP - Contemporary art platform, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. W/HOLE Expansion, active installation (9 September – 9 October 2016)
On The Sensations of Tone: Jacob Kirkegaard / Dawn Scarfe / Katerina Undo. Le Bon Accueil, Rennes, France. W/HOLE, active installation (21 April – 21 May 2016)
Katerina Undo & Noemie Goldberg. MAAC, Brussels, Belgium. W/HOLE Expansion, Active installation (14 April – 14 May 2016)
Aandacht! Aandacht! W/HOLE, active installation, Warande, Turnhout (25 March - 24 May 2015) and C-mine, Genk, Belgium (12 September - 15 November 2015)
A Breathcrystal, Project Arts Centre, Dublin, Ireland. Curated by Mihnea Mircan. W/HOLE, active installation (14 April – 30 June 2015)
Red Dawn, HISK, Ghent, Belgium. Curated by Gertrud Sandqvist. Creatures Cluster, W/HOLE, Edible Sound Piece (22 November - 15 December 2014)
On Site Festival, Sounding Observation, TAV, Taipei, Taiwan. Creatures Cluster, Installation (27 September – 4 October 2014)
Sense of Sound, Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Hasselt, Belgium. Creatures Cluster, Installation (2 March – 25 May 2014)
transmediale 2014. HKW - Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany. Creatures Ensemble, Performance (30 Jan 2014)
Participation at the Art Hack Day and exhibition Afterglow (29 Jan - 02 Feb 2014)
BL!SK (a collaboration between Bl!ndman collective and HISK). Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium. The Creatures Ensemble: Music for 18 Creatures, Performance (September 2013)
ArtUP! Media Art in Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. Parabole I, Sofia, Bulgaria. The Creatures Ensemble: Music for 18 Creatures, Performance (April 2013)
Q-02-workspace for experimental music and sound art, Brussels, Belgium. The Creatures Orchestra for Amplified Human Hearing, Performance (December 2012)
Across the Great Divide, Creative Human - Machine Improvisations. International conference. Medea Electronique & Onassis Cultural Center, Athens, Greece. The Creatures Ensemble, Performance (October 2012)
Klankson festival, Les Ateliers Claus, Brussels, Belgium. Telescopic Ears, Active installation in public space (June 2012)
Time Inventors Kabinet [TIK] festival, OKNO, Brussels, Belgium. The Creatures Sextet, Performance, collaboration with Bernardo Risquez (May 2012)
Le Chaff, Brussels, Belgium. Creatures: miniature solar electronics with kinetic & sonic output and Theremin. Performance in collaboration with the audio collective Retni Tuo (March 2012)
Hectoliter Gallery, Brussels, Belgium. UN TV, Performance, collaboration with the audio collective Retni Tuo (December 2011)
TANTAMOUNT / LABEL.07 collaboration between the TimeLab art space, Ghent, Belgium and the Kapo art space, Kanazawa, Japan. Symphony for 2 Helicopters & 1 Theremin, Performance (December 2010)
Croxhapox gallery, Ghent, Belgium. Phonophorous - Part 1, Active sound installation (November 2010)